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Hypnotherapy without Hypnosis in Cambridge?

Luke Clough

So how deep do you have to go into hypnosis to get the benefit?

Some people, including some hypnotists still think you have to go really deep. Yet when you think about it, if you have an issue you have surely changed from what you did to what you do now. That’s just logical, isn’t it? And when you changed back then were you put in a deep trance? ~ I think not.

Which all goes on to suggest you may not need a trance to change ~ Hey that’s NLP and Time line therapy(tm) isn’t it? Well you may not know what they are but believe me they’re processes that do not require trance.


Why use hypnosis?

Good question!

Well sometimes we have thought about our problem for ages, talked about it to everyone or just ourselves for a long time and we need to get away from all these conscious thoughts. Another great reason is that our issues, which we really believe are just behaviours, are being carried out by our unconscious mind (try walking with only your conscious mind ~ it doesn’t work) the place to change is at the unconscious level and get your unconscious mind to do all the work.

That’s the great thing about the way all three of us work here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy. We can adapt our processes to you and your needs so if hypnosis isn’t required then that’s okay.

We once had a client who really didn’t want to be hypnotised and for a hypnotist that could have been a real problem! Not here we used other ways to help that person change comfortably. We have also had clients who have heard just how good hypnosis is and only want that and that’s what we use, we just adapt what we do, it’s as simple as that.

So back to the original question

The Answer:

Who cares as long as you do (get the benefit)

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