We have all made New Year’s Resolutions only to find them disappearing within a day or two from our minds.
Why is that?
One reason is that we all have a little baggage, some emotions like anger, sadness or guilt that seems to be around just when we don’t want it or lie in the background like a shadow. It’s these things that if we don’t let them go we will never get what we want and the thing is we deserve to have all the things we dream of having and experiencing ~ Well that’s our belief.
There used to be a belief in therapy that to let things go, change our negative beliefs takes a long long time, over many sessions. In fact we still see this on some therapists websites saying “10-12 sessions usually required”!!!!!!! (they’re our !!!!!!!! marks!!!)
The thing is that’s not the way we see it here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy we rarely see anybody more than three sessions before we get their results.
So with this in mind why would you want to wait to change the way you feel now to how you want to feel. You wouldn’t and couldn’t if you really want to be the way you want to be. And that’s the key really wanting (and you don’t have to know how because we know the how)
And here’s another and
it costs you nothing to find out if we’re right for you
all you have to do is contact us and arrange a Complimentary Consultation ~ 20 minutes to how we can help you and get a complimentary Hypnosis cd and 2 hypnosis downloads too! and (yes another and) they’ll be no pressure from us because it’s always your choice.
If you want you can call and speak with us personally on 01223 720 120
Paul, Luke & Joseph