It’s here… The first of November… which means that Stoptober has officially ended!
For those of you that don’t know, Stoptober was a public campaign backed by Cancer Research UK and The British Heart foundation set up to encourage mass quitting of smoking for the 28 days of October. Apparently research showed that those who quit smoking for 28 days are 5 times more likely to stay smoke free. This may well be the case, and for those that did participate in Stoptober I’d love to hear your thoughts and to find out whether you have decided to remain a non smoker or whether you lit up at the first opportunity now that your campaign is over.
The problem with setting yourself a time period to stop for, already predisposes that the quitting period will end, which means you are free to go back. It’s like having a holiday in 6 weeks that you want to lose weight for, and deciding to not eat chocolate for those 6 weeks. In your mind, you will probably already be counting down the days until you can have it again, and this my only concern.
It also doesn’t address the reasons as to why you were smoking in the first place. Were you smoking because you found it an escape from stressful situations, or did you actually enjoy it at the time? To me, these are the real issues that need to be dealt with and reframed so that your unconscious mind can programme itself differently and therefore no longer feel the need for cigarettes anymore.
If you would like to find out more about how Cambridge Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking in only 1 session, contact us here now and we’d be glad to speak with you.
Why stop for 28 days, and battle through the full 28 just to go straight back to it again, when you could stop smoking in only 1 day!
Luke Clough