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  • Luke Clough

“I wish I didn’t have to do that presentation”

Sound familiar? It certainly does to me, not only from the amount of Cambridge Hypnotherapy clients that say those exact words to me during an initial consultation, but I also used to not like speaking in front of people.

Standing up and presenting in front of a group of people can be a very daunting task, especially when some of the group will consist of higher authority figures, maybe a boss or supervisor at work for example. Taking this into account it is easy to see why that event could lead to a state of anxiety, panic or pure fear. You may have experienced this yourself physically, when the heart starts beating faster, the sweat starts to pour and your voice starts to tremble. However just because this appears to happen to almost everybody form time to time, does that make it right? NO WAY!!!!

Your unconscious mind is the over-ruling decision maker of you, and if it thinks a situation can cause you harm it will trigger the protection system, typically known as ‘fight or flight’ meaning you will either fight the danger or get as far away as possible if it thinks you cannot beat it.

So how does this relate to a meeting, or a presentation, or a public talk? Well, simply put, if your unconscious mind sees any risk associated with the event then it will increase your levels of anxiety wither to ensure you do your best and blow everyone away (fight), or increase them so much that you maybe have the day off, or turn up late missing your slot (flight).

Using NLP we can start to reprogram your mindset so that it no longer sees these events as having a risk associated. One client of mine, who came to see me for this exact problem, went and gave a talk to Professor Stephen Hawking feeling completely relaxed and comfortable. That was a HUGE shift!

If you have ever suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, social phobia or confidence related problems, why not contact us now to find out how quickly you can become the way you want to be. It worked for me!

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