Over the past 12 months there have countless cases of child abuse reported by the media focusing on high profile names and famous personalities. These cases go back years and years, which has made us think about how long the victims have been holding on to their traumatic memories for and how their lives would have different if they had dealt with them at the time.
At Cambridge Hypnotherapy, we regularly work with clients who have been abused physically, sexually or emotionally, and in the majority of cases all 3! Typically they talk about how they occasionally wake up because of a nightmare, or if they hear about a similar situation in the news or watch something similar on a TV program then all of their old memories come flooding back into their mind. The vast majority of these clients also have something else in common, which is that they feel like there is something wrong with them and that they have a huge lack in self worth, because why were they treated like this… what was wrong with them?
Years and years of feeling like this has a huge effect on peoples lives and can often be diagnosed by the medical world as Depression. They may have started to develop an unhealthy relationship with alcohol as a way to escape these thoughts. As a youngster they may have found it hard to meet people as trusting people had become very hard to do, and as they grow up they find it safer and easier to spend time on their own rather than meet others, which has a knock on effect to relationships not only with friends, but romantically too. More often than not they also have not followed their chosen career path, rather chosen a safe, easy career where they can’t suffer any more trauma or upset.
The majority of clients that we work with reporting this type of situation are typically aged 40 years and above, therefore they have suffered with these emotions and problems for over 25 years of their lives, and thinking like this also makes them feel guilty and regretful for not dealing with it sooner! They dream about how their lives could really have been.
We can help them disconnect form those memories. Using advanced levels of NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy, we allow their unconscious mind to simply go back into their past, and learn from it. The learn every single learning from every possible unconscious memory that once learned and preserved, will allow them to no longer experience any emotion at the thought of it. The memory will still be there, but there will a nothingness kind of feeling about it.
If you have suffered any kind of trauma in your past that is still bothering you to this day, please feel free to contact us here for a FREE initial consultation to find out just how easy it can be to change you life in only 2-3 sessions, or you can call us on 01223 720 120.
I look forward to hearing form you.
Luke Clough