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  • Luke Clough

Have you stuck to your new years resolution?

How Hypnotherapy can kick your new resolutions back into action!

So we are nearly at the end of January, 31 days into 2014 and I’m keen to find out how many of you that made a new years resolution are still going strong?

According to research, 9 days in is the average date that people will give up and return to their old life. In fact, three-quarters of 3,000 British adults surveyed admitted they were no longer confident they would stick to their promises for the rest of the month. Were you one of those people?

Here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy we are starting to see an increase in enquiries from clients looking to lose weight, stop smoking or cut down their alcohol consumption with Hypnotherapy. In addition to these are the clients who are looking to boost their confidence levels and let go of their anxiety. They thought they would try and ‘just get on with it’ themselves, only to find that they are still in the same place as 2013!

If this is something that you can relate to , please click here or call us on 01223 720 120 to arrange a complimentary initial consultation. Here we can explain to you in more detail about exactly what Hypnotherapy is, and how you can achieve your results in only 2-3 sessions.

Cambridge Hypnotherapy are one of the few full time Hypnotherapist centres around, and we tailor our work to you as an individual so you can be sure you’re going to get your results. We are all Master Practitioners of Hypnosis, TimeLine therapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

I look forward to hearing from you.


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