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Resolving grief (hypnotherapy in Cambridge)

Luke Clough

How long do we have to, need to grieve?

Some time ago I wrote about remembering in a different way which in no small way was brought about by my writing my own book about overcoming grief and a personal journey in resolving and moving on from grief.

You see we tend to immediately think as grief being caused by the loss of a loved one and so it is. The thing is there are so many more things that happen to us that cause us to grieve and create that hollow feeling inside. These can come from a myriad of losses such as:

  1. the loss of a job

  2. retirement and losing the feeling of being useful

  3. someone leaving us but still alive

  4. losing our home

  5. losing a business we created

  6. etc. etc. the list goes on.

There’s also the beliefs we have of how long should we grieve. Is it being disrespectful to only grieve for a short time and what will others think of us. All these factors create negative emotions within us, over and above that real grief feeling.

So with all that going on inside us it’s no wonder we suffer and usually in that isolated feeling of loneliness.

So that’s why I wrote my little piece following the progress of my ‘best friend’ until someone was brave enough to challenge me.

You tell the story of a “friend”. It is your own story, isn’t it? At least, it seemed to me to be your own story. If so, I wonder, if you would consider to tell your story using “I” ? Don’t feel embarrassed when you tell your own story. This is why books are read. Authors need to be shameless and find the words for what others can’t say.

and so I have re-written my book, my Story and no hiding behind the facade of my friend. I have told like it was, what I did to change and how it felt and how it feels to be free of all those horrible feelings.

Added to this I have included hypnosis tracks to download that take you through some of the exercises I describe in this book to compliment and speed up the process of letting go of grief and all the other emotions that are attached.

Track 1 Mind Mapping,

Track 2 Accessing your unique Qualities and finding your Passion

Track 3 Releasing and Moving On

My final piece is to narrate this to audio to make it easier for those who like to listen and hear which will happen sometime soon.

At the moment it’s called “IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY

It’s not meant to be instead of getting help from people like us at Cambridge Hypnotherapy and is intended to support, encourage and teach ways of finding our selves again.

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