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Time now that’s a nice thought & NLP Practitioner Training

Luke Clough

It’s amazing how time can seem to either fly by or seem to drag on forever. Having just got off one computer for another I have just had time fly by! We are creating our our NLP Practitioner  pre-study CD’s and it’s my job to edit and Joseph’s to record (I guess I’ll get a little look in to say a few words later) When you’re fully absorbed into something where does the time go ~ 3 hours have just whizzed by and CD1 is now edited. Why am I telling you all this? Well a couple of reasons Firstly our August NLP Practitioner training in Cambridge is filling up fast and the new CD’s are just part of the continuing change both Joseph and I are committed to bringing to each and every training. Although we incorporate Time Line Therapy(TM) and Real Hypnosis we are continuing to develop new things we can add to the syllabus. We have already been increasing the hours of each days training to in effect add an extra whole days training. It’s also great to have two therapists from Ireland coming to learn from us.

Secondly. This thing about time…………. if we take it as it really exists I wonder what uses being able to slow down time would have to those really pleasurable times in our lives. And if we were to be able to enhance our experience in those times. And then what might happen if we were to have those feelings or states at will or in a different context. Well with hypnosis I believe you can and when coupled with NLP only your imagination is the limit (and that’s infinite you know) of what’s available to you.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. now where’s that imagination of mine?

Enjoy every heart beat


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