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tips to stop smoking from Cambridge Hypnotherapy

Luke Clough

Tips to help you stop smoking.

Whilst we know hypnosis and hypnotherapy claim a great success rate helping smokers to be non-smokers.


We, here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy, believe we have developed even better ways and processes using our experience of hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) we also understand this is not for everyone. Although it is far easier with us than going cold turkey we thought we would give a few pointers for those wanting to do it by themselves.

First of all the main reason we lose our will power or resolve is because when we stop smoking without planning properly most smokers begin to try to behave just the same as before not utilising a different behaviour in it’s place.

Some start drinking more alcohol, others eat more or keep picking at food between meals and some just get lethargic and watch TV more.

The result of all this is more weight and sluggishness ending going back to the dreaded weed!

Why does this happen? It’s because we have acknowledged what smoking was doing for us, such as taking us away from stress or boredom.  If we don’t re[place smoking with a new set of behaviours that also deal with what smoking was doing for us them we are doomed to failure.

So if you want to try and stop by yourself here’s a few tips:

· Pick a date suitably in the future when you will stop.

· Think about when you smoke what is smoking doing for you and write them down

· Think about necan rightly w ways you can achieve the same thing for you and write  them down

· Make notes on what you can do that’s really different and that you can’t smoke at the same time and prepare to them.

· On the evening before the set day really concentrate on smoking and realise it’s just a silly behaviour and that you know far better ways. After your last smoke ceremoniously crush and throw away the packet.

· When you wake up have a nice shower and put on some nice, clean comfortable clothes.

· Give yourself credit and praise every hour for doing so well.

So you can go this way if you like, some do and get great results but a lot fail with all good intentions because the thing is it’s our unconscious mind that runs the smoking behaviour and changing consciously is very hard.

That’s why we think coming to us for one session specially designed to help you stop smoking and get you unconscious mind to change using hypnosis can be the most rewarding thing you ever do for yourself. Changing your behaviours unconsciously and enjoy the change in you and what you will experience for the rest of your life.

Remember the reason we are so successful is that we always insist that you come for a complimentary consultation to make sure you are right for us and we for you, to get all your questions answered and when you are ready to commit we give you something to do along with our special hypnosis CD that gets you ready for the real session. Following the one session we will also give you our special Continue to take the trance CD along with Joseph’s Stop smoking now CD. It just makes sense.

Why not give us a call to find out more on 01223 720 120 or email us by clicking HERE.

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