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Stopping smoking in Cambridge ~ How effective are drugs to stop smoking

Luke Clough

I noticed this in the book ‘Tipping Point’ and to be honest was surprised at what I read: “Glaxo Wellcome has tested the drug – now marketed under the name Zyban – in heavily addicted smokers (more than 15 cigarettes a day) and found remarkable effects. In the study, 23 percent of smokers given a course of anti-smoking counseling and a placebo quit after four weeks. Of those given counseling and the nicotine patch, 36 percent had quit after four weeks. The same figure for Zyban, though, was 49 percent, and of those heavily addicted smokers given both Zyban and the patch, 58 per- cent had quit after a month. Interestingly, Zoloft and Prozac – the serotonin drugs – don’t seem to help smokers to quit.”

I know there are many percentages of success given to hypnotherapy for stopping smoking and really don’t know if there is an official figure. I do know from our experience using our unique set of processes involving hypnosis we seem to get a remarkable achievement rate ~ well over the test above. I know we offer a back up session with our our one session stop smoking but that in reality is very rarely called upon. Whether this is due to our initial consultation (complimentary of course) where we really find out if we are for you and vice versa. It could be the work we give our clients to do and our pre-session Hypnosis CD. It may be the special unique session itself or even the post session hypnosis CD’s .

In the end we don’t really care which part works best for individual clients because that’s the thing each session is all about our client, their needs, fears and wants. There’s no generic script at Cambridge Hypnotherapy, no set routine reeled out time after time after time as we know some other do.

In reality there’s only one way to find out if you really want to stop for yourself and that’s to get in touch with us and to do it now if it feels right.


through clicking here to our contact page

or call 01223 720 120

or ask for a call back by filling in your details top right on this Blog

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