Hypnotherapy for confidence with Cambridge Hypnotherapy
Apparently there’s a program on television these days called the X Factor, and this weekend they documented how one of the contestants had used hypnotherapy to deal with confidence issues. This contestant had had issues with her nerves and anxiety levels which had even led her to forgetting the words to her songs on more than one occasion. She was also only 16, and I’d imagine singing in front of the nation on television at such a young age would be difficult enough for any 16 year old, let alone one who had experiences of forgetting her words before.
She ended up having 3 hypnotherapy for confidence sessions overall, which is in the majority of cases here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy all we work with our clients for. In fact, during September and October not one of our clients attended for more than 3 sessions, and only one client has come for more than 3 sessions in November. It really is that quick and simple to change! Sure, it can take longer when working in a way that complicates things for the sake of complication it seems, but it doesn’t need to.
If you have any sort of confidence issues, wether it be in your personal life, presenting to groups, public speaking anxiety, or any other form then we can hep you to let go of it in only 3 sessions.
To find out more, please simply call us on 01223 720 120, or you can email us here and we shall call you as soon as we can.
We always invite our new clients down to a complimentary consultation where you can find out a little bit more about what Hypnotherapy is, and make sure that you feel comfortable to proceed, which we believe should be paramount for you!
Speak soon,
Luke Clough
Cambridge Hypnotherapy
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