Recently my wife and I were lucky enough to be blessed with the birth of our first son. It was a truly magical experience, and something that will stay with me forever.
I thought I’d write a bit here about the process as my wife has now had first hand experience of using Hypnotherapy for birthing, something which has become known as Hypnobirthing. As a full time Hypnotherapist in Cambridge, I guess my skills were always going to be called into action on this one!
I had recently devised a 3 session plan on how Hypnotherapy could be used successfully not only for the actual event of labour itself, but also the build up before the big day, as well as the days, weeks and months following the birth of your child.
The build up to giving birth can be a very stressful and anxious time. From Ante Natal classes, to working out what to buy and the idea of labour itself, they can all cause a degree of anxiety and even panic within a pregnant women who will already no doubt be suffering from all sorts of emotional and hormonal changes. This level of anxiety can be exhausting and lead to issues when it comes to the actual labour itself.
The labour is the next part that our work will cover. The actual physical exertion of pushing a baby out can obviously be a very painful experience, and the that pain can cause panic and fear and in turn actually make the whole experience longer and more painful. After Hypnobirthing with us here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy, you will find the while process strangely relaxing and quick…. My wife gave birth 3 hours after entering Hospital, and said that the process has far from put her off doing it again as many say it has.
The third section of our work is ensuring that none of our clients suffer from post natal depression. Being left with a tiny baby to look after can be a very daunting experience and not being able to communicate and understand what a baby is crying for can cause all sorts of emotions including fear, upset, depression, and a feeling of not being good enough to do things right.
We will soon be launching a dedicated website to Hypnobirthing in Cambridge, and I will update you more in the near future.
Until then, if you have any questions on how Cambridge Hypnotherapy can help you with your birthing process, please feel free to call us on 01223 720 120, or contact us here now.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Luke Clough