Clearing negative emotions with NLP, Time Line Therapy(TM) and Hypnosis
I am continually amazed how long we (that’s all of us) can hold onto old negative emotions. Hold on to them even when we think they’re gone. How do I know this? I’ll tell you in a minute.
The thing is these negative emotions continue to affect our quality of life and the decisions we make. Like a snow ball, they start of very small and as life rolls on they get bigger and bigger and for some then it’s just overwhelm.
So how do I know this? Time Line Therapy™ that’s how. Now this probably makes no sense to you at all, unless you know about TLT.
So let’s make a little sense out of this. When working with a client who is suffering from anxiety, which is really fear of what has happened in the past will repeat in the future, we may use Time Line Therapy ™ processes.
A typical session would also include dealing with anger and sadness and although nearly every clients says well I’m not really an angry or sad person, when we look a little deeper we find memories from years ago that still hold those emotions. Because the processes work so quickly, normally around 5-10 minutes for each emotion, we can really clear the entire unconscious blocks that were all part of the problem and different processes may not so cleanly achieve. That’s what and why I like Time Line Therapy™, it’s thorough, quick and my clients are always comfortable in the change process.
Just so you know why they remain comfortable ~ it’s because my clients never go to any negatively charged memory and relive it. I know some therapist have the client do this but I don’t agree with this and I won’t let my clients be anything other than comfortable when making changes. In fact all of here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy we all have the same philosophy to make change, whatever or however bad the initial feelings our clients are experiencing it isn’t necessary to feel bad when we let them go and we won’t let our clients re-experience what caused the problem, we know too many better ways to work with clients.
Here’s a little tester:
Think of a specific memory of anger that when you think of it you can rate that anger out of 10. 10 being totally angry and 0 being completely neutral.
Have you done that? If you have and it’s not a 0 then you’re carrying around anger and it will affect what and how you act or react to greater or lesser degrees. If you notice how long ago that memory was and it may be years then it is probably time to let it go.
Come and have chat with us personally by either calling us on 01223 720 120 or emailing via the contact form by clicking HERE.