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  • Luke Clough

The Hypno-band topic came up again…..

Effective weight loss vs The Hypnoband

A few weeks ago I had a phone call from a potential client wanting to book sessions for our hypnoband approach for weight loss. The obviously hadn’t ready my blog post here! They were completely surprised when I said I didn’t perform hypnoband sessions, and that personally I didn’t like it or believe in its effectiveness. Please don’t take this to mean that no-one will ever change as a result of it, as some people will. However, the percentage of positive LONG TERM results would be minimal in my opinion.

I’m not going to go over it all again as you can read my thoughts in the blog post above, but here are a few summarised points:

  1. Is the client going to BELIEVE they have just had surgery with no scar…. NO

  2. Are you letting go go emotional eating… NO

  3. Does having a real gastric band fitted guarantee losing weight…. NO

  4. Will a gastric band change my desire to exercise…NO

  5. Is it any good at all…. NO (obviously only my opinion)

After raising just a few of these points to the enquirer, they quickly booked in for an initial consultation to discuss my approach to weight loss that means no conscious dieting, no real effort and a simple approach to achieve long term results. As it turned out, she had actually worked in clinics offering the real gastric band and had been against them but believed her original thoughts to be the only way to change!

After the first session, one week later, she had lost 4lbs and not had to actively go out and do anything differently. She had naturally found herself saying no to certain foods in certain situations, and had even been motivated to actually join a gym and have her induction already under her belt!

After the second session, only 2 weeks after starting , she was 7 lbs down. The most shocking thing to there was how easy it had been. She imagined having to eradicate every type of food she liked, count calories and try and lump foods into certain point schemes to work out what she could eat! how much grief and effort would that have been!

So what’s stopping you from easily losing weight? Why not contact me here, or call me on 01223 720 120 find out more about being the slimmer you that so far you’ve have only imagined and dreamed of being!


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