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  • Luke Clough

Hypnotherapy and memory recall – with Cambridge Hypnotherapy

Recently I had a client approach me to say that he had changed his password to his works computer due to his daughter accessing it and playing childrens games and generally doing the things that young children do. The only problem that he had was that he remembered sitting at his computer, entering his old password, then looking out of the window whilst thinking about a new password, and then…… BLANK! Nothing… and he now had no access to his computer and without remembering the password was facing up having to take his computer in and having it rebuilt. The financial cost of this was irrelevant, however the hassle, time and delay to his work would cost him much more than money could equate to! He wondered whether hypnotherapy and memory went together or not?

As a Hypnotherapist in Cambridge, I believe that every event and moment of our lives is stored inside our minds. We may not have conscious access to these things, but they’re there! Hypnosis has been used many times in the past within criminal cases, where victims of crimes have developed a mental block about an event. The unconscious mind is  repressing these thoughts and memories due to them being painful, emotional, or generally of no use to them there and then!

With my client, there was no emotional pain that his mind was protecting from, and if anything it was causing stress and pain due ot the consequences he was starting to face.

Using Hypnosis, we can allow your unconscious mind to start reframing exactly what is important to remember, and therefore finding it very easy for these forgotten memories to suddenly bubble up into the conscious awareness.

That’s exactly what happened here too. He went away, sat at his computer, and a word suddenly popped into his mind which was more random than he could imagine, yet upon attempting it when prompted, he was greeted by his homepage! After a whole weekend of stress and dread, it simply took 60 minutes of sitting with me and trusting his unconscious mind to do what it had to in order to achieve his objective.

If you would like ot know wether we at Cambridge Hypnotherapy can help you realise an objective, please feel free to call us on 01223 720 120, or alternatively you can contact us here now.

Have a wonderful day,

Luke Clough

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